The 1st Dai al-Mutlaq, Al-Dai Al-Ajal Syedna Zoeb bin Moosa al-Waade'ee {RA}
Part 2
🔸Syedna Zoeb {RA}, extensively studied the theological works of Da'wat and extracted their hidden treasures. He is thus described as "Farraas-ul-Kutub" Meaning Very Avid Reader Of Books
🔸Syedna Zoeb {RA}, Appointed Syedna Khattaab bin Hasan {RA} as his Maazoon Syedna Khattaab {RA} was milk brother to Maulatona Hurrat al-Maleka Arwa {RA} and the Chief of the Tribe of Hajur from Qodam in Hamdaan
🔸He authored many theological works like "Muneerat-ul-Basaair' and 'Ghayat-ul-Mawaleed and a collection of Poems that include the oft Recited eulogy in honour of Maulatona Hurrat al-Maleka Arwa {RA}